Posted by: globalsyzygy | December 31, 2007

Some New Sites to Add to your Repotire for the New Year

At least a month I find that I’ve been missing out on a wonderful site with which everyone but me got the memo ages ago. Here’s a list to keep you up-to-date for the New Year!

Meebo: You can run your MSN, AIM, GoogleTalk, and Yahoo! Messengers without the program here.
Pidgin: Homepage for the revolutionary all-in-one messenger.

Tech Buying:
SlickDeals: A wonderful place to find some amazing deals and ways to stack rebates you never believed existed.
NewEgg: Good tech stuff at even better prices.

ICanHasCheezBurger: Home of the outrageously funny LolCats.
XKCD: A great webcomic, full of sarcasm, romance, math and language.

SlashDot: The motto says it all: News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters
BBC: A great 3rd party, and relatively unbiased news source. (Come on, they’re British! =P)
Reuters: The original source of most articles anywhere else, get your news firsthand!
DotEarth: Great environmental news, part of the New York Times.
Digg: The most eclectic yet awesome news source you’ll ever find. A bit of everything.

GetDeb: Great precompiled program files for the Ubuntu/Debian user.
GnomeFiles: A useful list of apps and programs meant for the Gnome desktop.

Posted by: globalsyzygy | December 31, 2007

How to set up Dual Screens (Twin View) On Ubuntu/Linux

If you’ve always dreamed of being able to hook up your Linux box to your TV, this is the simple, straightforward guide you’ve been looking for.

Prerequisites: An Nvidia Video card with S-Video and VGA (The normal Monitor Connection) Output.

Open up your xorg.conf file:
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Navigate to the video card section of the file, it should start as:
Section “Device”
Identifier “nVidia [Model Name Here]”
Driver “nvidia”
At the bottom of this section, before the “Endsection” line, add the following:
# TwinView Options:
Option “TwinView” “True”
Option “TwinViewOrientation” “Clone”
#”Clone” for two identical screens, “LeftOf” or “RightOf” for one long,
# fused screen.
Option “UseEdidFreqs” “True”
Option “MetaModes” “1280×1024,1280×1024; 1024×768,1024×768”
Option “UseDisplayDevice” “CRT, TV”
# End of TwinView Options

Restart X:
Hit “CTR+ALT+BACKSPACE” or restart your computer and you should be all set!

Posted by: globalsyzygy | December 30, 2007

What’s New Ubuntu?

With such a wonderful Open Source community, wonderful programs for Ubuntu are appearing left and right. Here is my list of the best add-on installations for various categories:

-Tremulous: A wonderful 3D egoshooter, play as an alien or a human
-Glest: Warcraft on steriods, awesome graphics, great gameplay
-Wormux: a fun Linux Worm-clone

-Cinelerra: a very promising non-linear video editing tool that looks, feels, and works like FinalCut
-Avidemux: a nice, linear video editing program similar to MS Video Editor
-VLC: a media player that comes with its own codecs and plays practically anything you can throw at it.

-CompizFusion: comes standard with Ubuntu Gutsy, most people don’t unleash it true potential due to lack of configuration. A great GUI can be installed by running: sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager

-Stellarium: An awesome 3D planetarium

-Google Earth: Lets you fly from New York to Helsinki in less than10 seconds

-Wine: Runs many Windows programs inside Ubuntu, keep up to date and use their official repository at:
-Ubuntu Tweak: Lets you tweak various aspects of your OS
-InnoTek VirtualBox: Allows you to run Windows and other OSes inside Ubuntu.

Posted by: globalsyzygy | December 30, 2007

Fixing your RTL8187 Driver (Netgear WG111v2) in Ubuntu

One of the awesome beauties of Ubuntu is that it supports a vast array of hardware, unfortunately, the RTL8187 driver (used with the Netgear wg111v2) is just a bit buggy.

After trying out legions of methods, I finally came upon a wonderful simple solution. The only catch is that it disables the Network Manager (thus it is best used when you use the same WiFi network, or in conjunction with a WiFi network finder such as NetStumbler).

Here it is:

Remove the buggy module:
sudo rmmod rtl8187
Blacklist it:
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
then add “blacklist rtl8187” somewhere at the bottom
Stop the Network Manager:
sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop
Create two files that only contain the word “exit” at the following locations:
Disable the Network Manager at Startup:
Set up your wiresless network:
sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
Add (Fill in the ……’s):
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-key ……… #This is Optional (Only if you use a WEP key)
wireless-essid ……..
Install ndiswrapper:
sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.9
Pop in your driver cd and navigate to the WIN98 Drivers folder and execute:
sudo ndiswrapper -i Netrtuw.inf
sudo ndiswrapper -m
sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
sudo gedit /etc/modules
add “ndiswrapper” to the bottom of this file and save
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Note: This post was made possible by the wealth of information available on the Ubuntu Forums, and especially by a now archived post made there by panurge77, I take no credit for this work, I merely did a lot of reading and compressed all of it into a short and sweet guide.

Posted by: globalsyzygy | December 30, 2007

Learning German For Free (Part 1)

I decided to learn German a while back, after all, languages are wonderful and useful things. After spending multiple hours/days/weeks, scourging the internet to find the most comprehensive and free way to learn German, I finally developed a system that seems to be working flawlessly. Here it is:

Internet TV: Possibly the best way to take it all in and let your vocabulary flourish. It provides you with both audio and visual stimuli.

My personal favorite is N-TV, a German news channel. Telecasters by definition speak perfect, textbook German, and you get caught up on current events too! Their stream can be found at here.

Interactive Websites:

Deutsche-Welle, another German news channel, provides a great interactive and best of all free German Course. It can be found here. This course was developed in accordance with the Common European Framework and is a wonderful tool for learning German.

Deutsche Welle also offers some other interesting German-learning related materials, they can be found here.

Ubuntu: If you run Ubuntu, a wonderful way to immerse yourself into German is to change your default language to German. This is done by installing German language support through System=>Preferences=>Language Support, and then selecting German on the Language section of the Welcome Screen when logging in.

Note: To keep terminal in English, don’t set German as the Default System Language when you install German language support, only enable German through the Log-in Screen.

Your Library: I have found that my local library has a vast amount of language learning resources, including the expensive (~ $239 per level) Rosetta Stone package. It’s well worth getting a library card for!

Newsletters/Internet Courses: This site offers a wonderful self-paced German course, as well as a free newsletter and email courses that help you along the way. Sign up here!

BBC also offers a similar email course/newsletter that can be found here.

Good Luck!
Part 2 is on the way.

Posted by: globalsyzygy | December 29, 2007

Hello world!

12/29/07 and is officially up.

Phase one complete, start phase two!
